Student Council
Student Council

SMA Student Council are elected each spring to earn council position after giving a speech and being voted in by their classmates. Students serve a one-year term. Student council is involved in planning, preparing and organizing school events that promote school pride.

Student Council Mission:
“That they may be one…” (John 17:21) St. Monica Academy Student Council seeks to build unity and student life on campus through school community events which promote love for God and love for others. This engaging and formational work helps Student Council members grow in Christian Friendship, Leadership, and Teamwork. The mission of the student council operates within the overarching school mission to help our students grow in Faith, Reason, and Virtue.
Student Council Requirements:
In addition to Student Council meetings and the specific requirements of individual positions, each Student Council member must help with the planning and running of every event: brainstorming/planning, bringing supplies, setting up, attending, and cleaning up.
All positions require a significant time commitment and ability to work as a team player. This includes your consistent presence, collaborative work ethic, positive attitude, respectful attention and communication.
Coordination of an event includes: timely planning, event proposal forms, fliers, morning assembly announcements, preparation and prompt requests for any assistance from fellow council members.

Student Council 2022-2023
Catherine G. (Senior)
- Prepare for and run SC meetings, weekly communication with Miss Gutierrez, re: Meeting Agenda
- Lead Code of Conduct at assembly, arriving on time, and properly attired
- Generally, oversees all SC events, making sure they run smoothly with all members doing their share
- Be prepared to take charge of any student council activity in the event of a coordinator’s absence
- Work effectively with Miss Gutierrez and the council in making all SC activities and events a success
Owen B. (Junior)
- Run Snack Shack (keep inventory, purchase goods, set prices, make schedule, manage supplies and equipment)
- Organize and Manage All Saints Carnival
- Step in for President when necessary (leading SC meetings, Code of Conduct etc.)
- Coordinate fundraising with Treasurer
Julia B. (Sophomore)
- Keep all SC responsibilities organized, weekly communication with Miss Gutierrez, re: Meeting Minutes
- Take and send out minutes for every SC meeting
- Maintain and bring a School/SC calendar to every meeting for scheduling purposes
- Work closely with the Communications Coordinator
Justin D. (Junior)
- Keep track of SC finances in conjunction with Mr. Halpin, including receipts and reimbursements
- Collect all fundraising money from classrooms/students
- Count money, roll coins, prepare cash for deposits by Mr. Halpin
- Update Snack Shack tab sheet
- Honesty and integrity are especially vital to this position
- Organize and manage Wild Wet Wacky Welcome Back Day w/ School Activities Coordinator
Religious Activities Coordinator:
John S. (Junior)
- Lead prayers at assembly, arriving on time and properly attired
- Coordinate Advent, Lenten, and some Christian Service Projects with Student Service Coordinator and Miss Gutierrez
- This includes researching and contacting charities, making announcements, ensuring with Treasurer that all donation monies and materials are collected and properly delivered
- Organize Poker Night Charity fundraiser
School Activities Coordinator:
Santi DTP. (Junior)
- Organize and manage the following SC events (with assistance): Wild Wet Wacky Welcome Back Day, Winter Formal(w/ Senior Rep), Spirit Week (w/Student Ambassador), and Talent Show
- Make regular morning assembly announcements about all school social events
Student Ambassador:
Phil T. (Junior)
- Contact new 8-12th grade students over the summer and make personal contact at the Family Picnic and during the first week of school (2020 exception due to COVID restrictions)
- Organize and execute freshman representative and 8th Grade elections with Miss Gutierrez
- Make personal contact with any transfer students who arrive mid-year
- Organize and manage outreach events: HOP and Spirit Week
Communications Coordinator:
Elizabeth C. (Junior)
- Meet weekly with Mrs. Grimm to get things approved and keep the office informed of SC plans (this must be a high priority; failure to meet with Mrs. Grimm could result in demotion or expulsion from SC)
- Weekly communication with Miss Gutierrez and council, re: meeting with Mrs. Grimm
- Demonstrate organization, focus, and good communication
- Gathers event schedules, maps, and instructions from event heads and provides them to the office
Student Service Coordinator:
Tavia P. (Senior)
- Research, coordinate, and get approval for community service opportunities for SMA students
- Create teams of students for service at SMA various campus events as needed
- Encourage high school students to track and log their service hours on Gradelink
- Work closely with the Religious Activities Coordinator on the Advent, Lenten, and Christian Service Projects
- Lead morning prayer in the absence of Religious Activities Coordinator, arriving on time and properly attired
- Regular communication with Miss Gutierrez re: Christian Service Coordination
Skylar R. (Sophomore)
- Create fliers, invitations, and notifications for all Student Council events
- Assist in all event design and decoration
- Organize and manage Spirit Week w/ Student Ambassador
- Organize class events
Paula B. (Senior)
- Track inventory of all SC equipment, sound equipment materials, and supplies
- Presents inventory summary during preparations for every SC event and purchases necessary supplies
- Assist with moving, collecting, storing and setting up (recycling collections, service project collections and delivery, equipment set-up for events: AV teams, recess equipment oversite).
Senior Rep:
Livia N. (Senior)
- Represent the senior class in SC and give regular updates to his/her class
- Organize and manage the Winter Formal w/ Activities Coordinator
- Organize class events
Junior Rep:
Stephen A. (Junior)
- Represent the junior class in SC and give regular updates to his/her class
- Run SMA Clans (Update Clans with new students, organize 2 Clan Lunch Days and the SMA Clans Field Day)
- Organize the Spring Dance
- Organize class events
Sophomore Rep:
Elijah H. (Sophomore)
- Represent the sophomore class in SC and give regular updates to his/her class
- Organize and manage Fun Fact (assign every high schooler a date for fun fact, remind them beforehand, have back-up list for absences)
- Organize and manage Musical May
- Organize class events
Freshman Rep:
- Represent the freshman class in SC and give regular updates to his/her class
- Weekly check in with Mr. Bradley and sports coaches
- Give regular, well-delivered Sports Updates, including both scores and upcoming games
- Bring an athletic calendar to SC meetings in order to avoid conflicts in scheduling
- Assist with high school lost and found organization and notification
- Organize class events
Faculty Advisors:
- Student Council Director – Miss Gutierrez
- Student Council Financial Officer – Mr. Halpin