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St. Monica Academy
SMA Drama

Welcome to St. Monica Academy

St. Monica Academy, an independent, coeducational school for grades one through twelve, founded by parents in fulfillment of their primary responsibility for educating their children, seeks to form students in faith, reason, and virtue through a classical education in the Roman Catholic tradition

News and Events


0 National Merit Finalist or Commendeds
0 National Hispanic Scholars
0% graduation rate and acceptance rate into top 4-year universities or college
0 League Championships
0% passage rate on AP English Literature, AP Chemistry, AP Latin, and AP Physics 1*

St. Monica Academy is at the forefront of a renaissance in classical education, a time-honored method of teaching that inspires students to excel academically and morally. Founded by parents in 2001, and accredited by WASC and WCEA, the school provides students in grades 1-12 with an academically rigorous education using a classical curriculum.

St. Monica Academy is one of the few schools in the country to be recognized as a Catholic Education Honor Roll School by the Cardinal Newman Society.

* (2019 Exams)